Super-producer Mark Ronson has spoken of a dreamlike experience recording Back To Black with his muse Amy Winehouse and has not come to terms with her loss and says nobody can replace her talent.
He said: “I hate the fact that I will never get to make any new music with her. I feel like a part of my creative soul has been removed, never again to be recovered.”
Mark recalled the making of Back To Black in New York with the Rehab diva and walking through Greenwich Village to his studio feeling like fate had taken control of the record’s destiny.
He added: “The day she came to my little studio on Mercer Street in Manhattan changed my life forever. Sometimes the stars align, and things just happen…
“I hate the fact that I lost such a good friend, with whom I could be on the same exact wavelength without opening my mouth. Someone who, when I was around her, I felt just a bit more whole.”
You can buy Purple Revolver’s Amy Winehouse tribute art tee shirt (see picture above) – follow the link for last chance for FREE POSTAGE during festive period…