Michael Fassbender Shame frontal scene left him red faced

Posted on 26 January 2012
By Pierce King
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Shame star Michael Fassbender has spoken about his blushes at the curtain call for the explicit film’s premiere because his dad was sitting right behind him.

Michael, 34, plays a New York sex addict in Steve McQueen’s latest film. A high flying businessman who turns to a sordid stream of sexual conquests, which leave him feeling emotionally crippled.

The X-Men First Class actor has a full frontal nude scene in the movie and says he cringes at the thought of his mother watching the film.

He said: “Watching Shame makes me feel self-conscious.

“It was quite something at the premiere. I didn’t know what to do when the lights came up, standing there in front of how many thousand people that have just seen me in a lot of compromising positions.

“My dad was sitting right behind me, which was very difficult. But there was also a sense of relief because my mum was supposed to come and the first thing my dad said was ‘Thank God your mum isn’t here.’

“She will watch it eventually, but I don’t think I’ll be in the room.”
