Top stoner movies rundown

Posted on 13 September 2024
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Watching great films is always amazing, but watching them stoned is next-level entertainment. Not only will you see things you wouldn’t normally see, but everything will be funnier than you ever thought possible.

Watching movies on weed can be a trippy visual experience made even better when you find the right film to watch.

The first film that meets this criteria is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, written by the great Hunter S. Thompson, directed by the mind-bending Terry Gilliam and starring the amazing Johnny Depp.

It begins with a drug-fuelled trip to Las Vegas. The characters toggle between being exposed at every turn or being on the brink of death all while trying not to lose their minds on drugs.

But what makes one of the most perfect movies for a stoner is the visual artistry. It’s so good you might actually believe you’re in the scene and high on whatever the characters are ingesting. It’s a film not to be watched peripherally but is best watched with full attention to capture the true zaniness of the film while being taken on a wild ride.

The next flick is one of the greats of all time. The Matrix broke ground with its subject matter, special effects, and acting. The only way to make it better is to watch it stoned. All the major plot points hit harder as the movie exposes the true nature of our reality and how we have the choice to buy into it, or not.

Keanu Reeves as Neo will show you the way. Do you take the red pill or the blue pill? When you think about it, this is a running theme in life. Do you want to know the truth, or do you want to live in a fantasy land while being controlled? These are all very big questions that are even more deep when you’re stoned.

Add to that the most mind-blowing visual effects to hit the big screen, and it rates at the top of the best stoner movies ever.
Capturing the right vibe to make a great stoner movie is no easy task. One that goes above and beyond is the “kid friendly” original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Not only does every scene propel your marijuana-induced self into the stratosphere, but Willy Wonka’s energy will surely make you want to reach for another hit of the bong.

Throw in some wildly vivid colours and disturbingly singable songs and you are in for one heck of a high movie experience.
Anything a filmmaker can envision is possible these days, and with CGI and AI programs, the sky’s the limit. When you’re high, visuals are more impactful and crazy plot lines seem more ludicrous. While most filmmakers don’t make movies just for stoners, some do like Half Baked and Dazed and Confused.

The writers and directors know their audience and target it best. All of this begins with an idea and a script. Even the most successful directors, producers, or actors are nothing without a script to work from. For that reason, a screenwriter is worth their weight in gold.

They bring an idea to life. However, not all idea people can write just as all writers may not have the best ideas. The two work hand in hand.
If you want to create an amazing stoner flick, this is where a script-writing “ghost” is a great option.

This is especially true for newbies. By hiring a professional script writer, an ambitious person even without writing skills can turn their idea into a television or movie script. One drawback for most when hiring someone to write for them is that they want to retain rights and
credit. A ghostwriter takes no credit but works behind the scenes with your direction to create something that fully illustrates your vision.

Some can even help create the right pitch for when you get it in front of the decision-makers. Some ghostwriters have relationships with agents or publishers to help you get your script sold. You may not know it, but many famous TV shows and films have been written by ghostwriters.

Finding reputable screenwriting services will take some research or you can use a ghostwriting service company, such as Ghostwriters Central which fully vets all ghostwriters and will help you select the best one for your project. Some ghostwriters specialize in specific genres and styles, and Ghostwriters Central will match you with the writer who will make your work shine.
