What We’re Leaving behind in 2015: Trend Review

Posted on 30 December 2015
By Kate Reilly James
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It’s the lull between Christmas and New Year, you know the one where you’re still eating everything in sight and wondering what you’re doing with your life?

Ferrero Rocher in hand, stop for a minute or two and read our run down of the most prolific 2015 trends.

First up, think back to that one glorious day of summer we had, you remember….in June…or was it July?

Anyway, that one day when women convened in beer gardens around the north-west in bright white, thick strapped, flat-forms.

There wasn’t a single beauty who could walk with any grace in these horrors. No more, please!
Stroll into 2016 with a pair of soft suede mules instead.

While the ladies sipped on prosecco during the summer months the guys were too busy faffing around with their man-buns and missed all the fun.

Lads, in the words of the great Queen Elsa, let it go. Hair is to be tousled, especially if you’re rocking an undercut at the nape of your neck or you’ve stuck with the grey/white colour trend. Both are going to be big players in the New Year.

Another hair-horror that tried in vain to make a comeback this year was the scrunchie. It was okay in the 90’s, we were young, and we didn’t know what style was back then. We were clueless.
But now, we are stronger, we’re legends of style, we don’t need tatty bits of fabric to perfect our beautiful shining, free-flowing (grey) locks.

Plus Hilary Clinton loves them. Point made.
Scrunchies not then, not now, not ever.

But wait, it’s not all fashion faux pas, doom and gloom. 2015 pulled a blinder when it came to reinstating some 90’s trends.

The mighty Calvin Klein jersey sweater made a huge come back this autumn. Emblazoned with the CK emblem this stalwart of 1997 is so easy to pair with our fave ripped jeans and Adidas Superstar for every day awesomeness. We’ll be seeing more of them in 2016 for sure.

And for those who like to dress a little more theatrically, velvet is a keeper too.
This sumptuous fabric makes for a dramatic evening look that will transfer from Christmas and New Year all the way to Valentine’s Day dinner.

Let’s hope your date isn’t sporting a man-bun.
