Fashion takes its cue from pop-art superhero Andy Warhol with bold, seductive parted lip prints a la Marilyn Monroe on sweat-shirts and skinny-fit jumpers.
Andy Warhol made 23 paintings of Marilyn Monroe in 1962, the year of her death and a further seven in 1964, all based on the same photograph showing her face turned slightly to her right, with her lips parted in a smile.
Many of these contain a series of repetitions of this image in rows one above another (up to as many as 50 in a picture), with slight variations due mainly to the deliberate irregularity of the screen printing.
Several only show repeat images of the mouth and omit the rest of the face altogether.
Markus Lupfer puts a Noughties spin on the classic Marilyn lip-print with contrasting lip shades.