You may have heard of the terms ‘apple shaped’, ‘pear shaped’ or ‘boy shaped’ – especially if you’ve got a girlfriend or wife. These rather odd terms refer to a woman’s body shape, and talking about bodies in this way is nothing new in the world of women’s fashion.
But what about men? You don’t often hear men’s bodies being referred to as ‘football shaped’ or ‘stick shaped’, but thinking about your body shape when it comes to buying clothes and wearing them shouldn’t just be for women. After all, what works for one man doesn’t always work for another.
1. Better Fit
The first rule to ensuring you dress for your body shape is to accept your body shape. If you’re carrying a few extra pounds there’s no point denying it. Accept your body and dress accordingly, and there’s one sure fire way of making you look bigger than you actually are – wearing clothes that are one size too small. Don’t do it! Embrace your curves.
2. Flattering
Rectangular, Inverted triangle, oval, triangular, trapezoid – ok, so the names for male body shapes might not be as creative as women’s body shape terminology but the rules still apply. Get it right and you’ll look mighty fine. You only need to look at the likes of fashion icons such as David Beckham, Bill Nighy, and Wayne Rooney to see that they (or their stylists) understand how to show off the best bits of their bodies to full effect.
3. Balance Your Body
If you’re unhappy with certain aspects of your body and want to hide them, or balance them out, dressing for your body shape is a great way to do this. Not keen on your posterior? Opt for trousers with pinstripes to help elongate your look. Want to hide a round tummy? Don’t wear double-breasted anything! Stick to well-tailored single-button men’s suits to keep your profile looking trim.
4. Get Confident
GQ named him as one of the best dressed men of 2015, and while his style might not be to everyone’s taste, there’s no denying he’s confident when it comes to fashion. Yep, we’re talking about the inimitable Noel Fielding. Sharp, snazzy, and way out there – Noel isn’t afraid to have fun with what he wears and that all comes from the fact he’s confident in his own skin. Once you’ve mastered dressing for your body shape, you’ll also start to feel a whole lot more confident.
5. Shopping is Fun
Maybe you love shopping, or perhaps you hate it. If you love it, it’s probably becauseyou understand your body shape. If you hate it, you could well be battling with understanding what looks good on you. With so many outfits, shops, and looks to choose from, shopping can be a minefield. It can take forever – especially when you don’t know what you’re doing. So cut out all the unnecessary heartache, hours, and annoyance, and get to know your body shape.
Once you’ve mastered this you can breeze past the clothes you know won’t look right on you and focus on the ones that will. You may get so good at it that even changing rooms become a thing of the past!
When it comes to fashion, it’s a great idea to take a leaf from women. Before you setout on that hunt for the perfect jacket, work out what your body shape is and see if you can shop accordingly. We bet you’ll be back from the shops in no time clutching a jacket you’ll love for years (if your body shape stays the same that is!).