The power of music is all around us, who doesn’t love it? Music can make you feel a slew of emotions, and many swear by it to get by with this thing we call life. In this post, we will look at some mental health benefits music has to offer.
When Music Isn’t Enough
Music can be therapeutic, but if you are suffering from severe depression, anxiety, or something else that afflicts the mind, speaking to a counselor or a therapist is your solution. There are even music therapies, which may work for you. Sites such as allow for counseling on your own terms, which is always a plus.
It’s Good for Stress and Unwinding
First, let’s talk about soft music, such as classical music. Soft music can be quite relaxing. The soft melodies from the sound of violins, violas, and other classical instruments can help calm our senses and improve our mood.
When you listen to it, you may feel like your stresses are melting away. One reason for this is that music can get your mind off of stress, but there are definitely calming sensations found in softer music.
Music is also good for a wound up mind. If you have insomnia, listening to some nice, soft music can help untangle your mind and allow you to get a good night’s rest.
Great for Getting Pumped
Do you need an extra burst of energy during a workout? Do you need some help cleaning around the house? Music may be your answer to those problems. Rock music, fast metal, electronic, K Pop, anything that gets you off your feet. When you listen to some energizing music, you can perform better in workouts and other events, which can help your mental health out quite a bit.
Great for Focusing
Staying focused on work or another project can be a tough task. Everything is distracting. One way you can avoid distractions is through music. Music can help eliminate other distracting noises around you, and some times of music can help you stay focused on the task at hand.
Different music may have different focusing effects. For example, some people do not stay that focused if there are lyrics in their music, and prefer instrumentals. Others may feel the opposite. Try different music and see which ones work the best for you.
Great for Memory
Music may be good for your memory. Again, this is something that depends on the music you are listening to. Some people have found that if they listen to music, it helps them remember things. There are some types of music that get stuck in your head, but we’re not talking about just that. Upbeat music may help with your processing power, and downbeat may help with your mind.
Music Can Help Your Depression
Listening to some sad music after a breakup is so cliché, but it does help you unleash your emotions. It also helps with depression in general. For instance, more upbeat music can help you when you feel like you have the blues.
Helps With Socially Bonding
Finally, music can help you socially bond with others. Many people have fandoms based on music, and you can make friends because you have similar music tastes, or have civil debates about what you disagree with music wise. If you have children, music may be a valuable tool in getting them to bond with you. They may feel much better as they listen to some tunes with you. For more information on how you can bond with your kids, click here or look here.
As we said, if you are suffering from severe mental illness, see a therapist. However, for daily life, music may be the perfect therapist you need.