Paul McCartney warns video team off meat, drugs and social media

Posted on 2 October 2013
By Michelle Gondry
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Paul McCartney has put a ban on meat, social media and drugs during filming of the promo for a new track.

On the set of the recent video shoot for Queenie Eye – the next single from McCartney’s upcoming album, New – the former Beatle ‘jokingly’ put a restriction on the presence of meat, drug, Facebook or Twitter.

While Macca may have been joking, on-set crew decided not to take any chances.

A source said: “It was meant as a joke but still, you would be out on your ear if you ignored the memo.

“Anyone found on Twitter, Facebook or nibbling a ham sandwich would be rejected immediately.

“Drug consumption might be harder to prove, but still … ”

The video is being filmed at Abbey Road Studios along with a host of famous faces, from Johnny Depp to Sean Penn.

Brad Pitt was also due to appear in the video but had to pull out due to filming commitments.

Despite the ban, the 71-year-old is set to take part in his first Twitter interview tomorrow from his account, @paulmccartney from 2:40pm.

The single and video release date are yet to be revealed, but New will be released in its entirety on October 14th.

Pictures by Mercury Press / Joanna Hufton
