K Pop sensation snubs Beatles Museum invite

Posted on 4 June 2019
By Chiara Costa
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Fans of the Korean pop sensation BTS have seen their idols’ fame explode with their sell-out gigs at Wembley Stadium.

But the “BTS army” in Liverpool have had their hopes of seeing them in the city dashed.

Known as the Bangtan Boys the Asian music septet have also been dubbed “The 21st Century Beatles”.

Half a century on BTS Mania has spread on social media – a medium that was denied to The Mop Tops in the 1960s.

And when the super-seven were packing-out Wembley the Beatles Story museum invited them to the home of the Fab Four, via Twitter.

In a direct Tweet bosses at The Beatles Story said “We would be honoured to welcome you for a VIP private tour whilst you are in the UK, perhaps you would even like to put on a performance for us?”

And after BTS concluded their sensational run at Wembley on Sunday, some fans clung to a hope that the boys might squeeze-in a trip to Merseyside.

But Purple Revolver can exclusively reveal that the Bangtang Boys have burst that bubble.

In the USA, on 15th May, the group, had appeared on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” performing their latest song, “Boy with Luv” paying a tribute to the Beatles’ iconic “Ed Sullivan Show” performance, wearing matching suits and with a drum kit bearing the name of the band.

Ironically aping the irritable John Lennon, BTS rapper “Suga” rejected the label “21st century Beatles” and proclaimed they are the “21st century BTS”.

Dave Milner, Marketing and PR Executive of the museum, admitted that BTS had sadly not responded to the invitation.

But Dave remains hopeful.

He said: “We have not yet received a reply for BTS at this stage. But I am hopeful that they might find time to visit us when they are in the UK”.
