ORKID, aka Matilda Melin from Sweden’s far north, continues to soar and amaze, release after release. Personifying quintessential Swedish indie-electro-pop, it’s hard not to fall for Orkid’s brand of velvet, soulful, fragile yet commanding vocals, alongside her captivating and piercing beauty inside and out.
The 21 year old starlet now lives in Stockholm – a world hub for modern pop – but was schooled on classic legendary singer/songwriters like Nat King Cole and Sam Cooke. These contrasting influences can be heard in ORKID’s rare quality to possess both on trend and a maturity-beyond-her-years artistry. At the raw age of 16, she cleverly used the ‘Idol’ stage and overcame the challenge of being heard from a small town, leaving audiences gob smacked with her world class potential. Desiring much more than ‘flash in the pan’ success, over the following two years ORKID completed her education, honed her song writing and live performance skills, and developed into one of Sweden’s most exciting artist exports to watch.
In 2017, ORKID released her first two singles together with Stockholm label ART:ERY – “Soulmates”, and “Only if you want to”. Both impressive tracks have been added to several Spotify lists around the world and “Only if you want to” reached over 300,000 streams in less than a month. October saw the third single & co-write “Running back” hit Spotify heavyweight playlists close to a million followers (Weekly Buzz, Believe the Hype and Out Now).
ORKID’s newest offering “Wasted” is arguably her most radio-friendly yet; playful, up-beat and laced with more hooks than you can poke a stick at.
ORKID shares, “’Wasted’ is about hiding behind the comfort of your excuses. Maybe you dare to say or do things with another you’re attracted to, when you know you really shouldn’t go there. No matter how strong the chemistry, sometimes that’s just not enough… the rush much more fun than the reality.”
Listen on Spotify today.