N.E.R.D @ Manchester Academy: Pictorial

Posted on 25 June 2010
By Magnus Aske Blikeng
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N.E.R.D. – the self styled rebels of the hip-hop set, and trailblazing production gurus behind some of this decades most addictive and big hitting R&B pop hits (Slave 4 U, Like I Love You, Milkshake, Drop It Like It’s Hot…), are also damn fine performers in their own right.

Playing in a more intimate space than their live show is usually delivered in – Pharrell Williams and co delighted and engaged the roaring, excitable audience with hits including Lapdance and She Wants To Move, as well as finally showcasing some new material.

Magnus Aske Blikeng was there to shoot the enigmatic trio in action.

N.E.R.D official: http://n-e-r-d.com

N.E.R.D myspace: http://myspace.com/nerdofficial

Magnus Aske Blikeng photography: http://www.mabphoto.me/
