Hernan Cattaneo interview- Cream exclusive

Posted on 16 August 2010
By Norman Parker
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Hernan Cattaneo is set to perform in the Cream & Vandit 10th Anniversary Arena at Creamfields on Sunday 29th August Bank Holiday weekend. Here he takes time to talk about his upcoming performance at Creamfields and his new Renaissance Master Series Parallel.

Cream: What can we expect from your set at Creamfields this year?

Hernan: I’m currently touring around my new Renaissance compilation album so I’m going to be playing some music from that and I’m also going to be playing some new music from my brand new label Sud Beat so expect a lot of house, melodic and progressive stuff.

Cream: You’re not a stranger to Creamfields and have been a part of the Cream family for years, what have been your standout Creamfields UK and Creamfields BA memories?

Hernan: I have so many! I remember every Creamfields I’ve played in the UK but the first one is the most memorable because it was the first time I’d played a big festival in the UK and I was playing in a huge tent with my biggest idols, like Paul Oakenfold and Sasha. It was an amazing time for me and I’m always going to remember that.

Cream: Talking of Sasha you’re going to be playing alongside him in the Cream Arena, will you be checking his set and any of the other artists?

Hernan: Of course! I normally try to arrive early and leave as late as possible. As Creamfields is at the end of the Summer there’s always a great mood, it’s usually one of the last few times to catch some good weather and it’s a great chance to see my friends and there’s always an amazing line up to choose from so I like to check out some of the new DJs and bands. It’s going to be a great festival.

Cream: And what is your favourite memory your time as a Cream resident?

Hernan: Cream was my first big residency in the UK after being the club’s resident in South America, I was there week in week out in Liverpool and also had a residency in Ibiza so it was a dream come true for me. It was also a big push for my career internationally and it’s always something I cherish as one of the best things that ever happened to me. Nation is one of the best clubs worldwide, the Soundsystem and the crowd in Liverpool is such an energetic and up for it crowd. The people from Liverpool are so friendly and as a newcomer during the first two or three Saturdays I was made to feel so welcome, considering they didn’t know who I was!

Cream: You’ve just released your new Renaissance Masters Album, can you tell us a little bit about it?

Hernan: Well it’s my sixth Renaissance Album and my fourth Masters Series so it’s such a privilege to be able to continue to release these albums, plus it’s had a great reaction already. I’m now touring around with it and have already visited America and Australia and now I’m focusing on Europe. The first CD is slower than your general club CD but then the second is definitely a night one so I’m very happy with it and the response it’s been getting.

Cream: You travel across the world a lot, how do you survive the travelling?

Hernan: As an International DJ you’re getting to travel the world, see different cultures, different places and you’re doing what you love so there’s not really any room for complaint. You can get tired at times but you can always sleep on the plane, you need to have a downside to things otherwise they would be too perfect to be real!

Cream: Do you feel dance music has changed since the days when you toured with Paul Oakenfold?

Hernan: Everything is different! The only thing that has remained the same is that everyone, young or old, likes to go out and have a good time and listen to music but on the other side DJ’ing has changed completely from being a very central European thing to being appreciated on a completely global scale. Technology and the way DJs play has also changed completely in the way a DJ used to spend months making music now a computer can make a track. It also used to be difficult to get music and you would pay a lot of money for it but now you can download it. People across the world can watch Cream from You Tube when before the internet, they would have to visit the club to see what it was like. I remember in 1997/98 I used to travel from Argentina to Cream in Liverpool just to see Paul Oakenfold but now he travels around the world or I can watch his sets on the internet which has made dance music much more global.

Cream: Do you think the introduction of computer software, CDJs etc. has made it easier for people to DJ or is there still a great deal of technicality behind it?

Hernan: It’s a difficult question because in a way yes it can make it easier to become a DJ but not necessarily a good one! Even if you have the software which can help you on beat matching etc. it doesn’t teach you how to read a crowd or what record to play to keep the crowd happy and it still doesn’t stop you being nervous when you’re about to play in front of 20,000 people! So in answer to the question in a way technically yes but not in other ways.

Cream: What DJs are on your radar at the moment?

Hernan: Well within the sound I play there’s a lot of great new DJs especially from Argentina like Martin Garcia. The good thing about globalisation of dance music is that every corner of the world now has people making music and being heard.

Cream: What advice do you have for aspiring DJs?

Hernan: There’s so much more competition out there because of the introduction of new software so the best advice is to practice and get as much experience as you can.

Cream: Do you prefer clubs or festival shows?

Hernan: I like both! I love festivals when you get that big rush of energy from a crowd of 10-20,000 but in a club you can have eye contact with everybody and the music you play is different. Both are such amazing experiences you should always do both.
