Black Sabbath return with a No.1 after 43 years

Posted on 18 June 2013
By Maria Sanz
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Black Sabbath have returned to the top of the charts taking the No.1 spot with their new release, 13 after a 43 year break.

The heavy metal rock band, last topped the charts back in 1970 with their second album, Paranoid, selling £4 million copies.

Recorded as the longest gap in UK chart history, Black Sabbath are back with a bang.

In the early years of Black Sabbath’s career, the band faced many demons. Ozzy, the front-man of the band, developed an addiction to drugs and booze, which led to him being fired from Sabbath in 1979, by the bands then-boss Don Arden.

It was through Don, where Ozzy met Sharon (Don’s daughter). They fell in love straight away and she went on to take control of Ozzy’s solo career, placing him back in the lime-light.

The Black Sabbath reunion has been expected for quite some time.

“I’m in shock” said Ozzy. “The success of this album has blown me right off my feet”.

Even without the original four members, the band are expected to be a smash hit.

They are planning a UK tour in London 02 in December, then Belfast, Glasgow and Manchester.
