The Kaiser Chiefs have so many songs that seem to fit the bill, so much raw energy that flows like a raging torrent of water pulsating with a dangerous electrical charge at its heart.
With the grace of anger hidden in great riffs and catchy lyrics, this is a band that still knows how to entertain a Liverpool crowd, even though they have been away longer than we might have ultimately desired.
It could be argued that that different horizons have come calling the band with the combined beauty and terror of siren glimpsing an imposing ship and the tease of her music luring all on deck to a certain dispassionate doom.
Regardless of how the outsider or fan might feel about certain other commitments getting in the way of The Kaiser Chiefs from doing what they do best, the first night of the tour was rolled out before the discerning public of the nation’s music capital, Liverpool.
While not exactly causing a riot, an explosion of sound to worry the ear drums was welcomed, the adoration during the gig and the rapturous nature of each song was deserved and fulfilling.
With tracks such as ‘Every Day I Love You Less and Less’, ‘Ruffians on Parade’, ‘The Angry Mob’, ‘Roses’, ‘Never Miss A Beat’, ‘Ruby’, ‘My Life’ and ‘I Predict A Riot’ being played with a certain incensed controlled rage – with eyebrow raising guile and the smiling charm of the enraged battling against the state of the world – The Kaiser Chiefs delivered the evening to their fans on a plate.
Furious, lyrically heated and a terrific watch.
At the end of the day you can ask for more, but some things are just meant to be enjoyed for what they are.
A very cool night out for a passionate audience.
The Kaiser Chiefs
Liverpool Echo Arena
January 31, 2015