Single Review: Ghost Of A Thousand – Knees, Toes, Teeth

Posted on 2 November 2009
By Amy Roberts
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Taken from the critically-arse-kissed album ‘New Hopes, New Demonstrations’ The Ghost Of A Thousands’ vocalist Tom Lacey describes his band’s new single as ‘the tune that AC/DC would write if they grew up listening to Converge rather than Zeppelin.’ A brave, swaggering statement indeed Mr. Lacey, and lucky for you it’s one that stands up to the rock’n’worth of the song.

Sounding strikingly similar to some of the earlier works of The Bronx, the single (titled ‘Knees, Toes, Teeth’) is a raucous, deliriously catchy stomach punching beast of a song.

Thankfully the lyrics – some forgivably jarring, cliche strewn stuff attacking ‘fucking new Romantics’ and declaring rock’n’roll as their religion. Come on now lads, that shit was getting a bit tiresome in the 90’s are pretty lost within the wonderfully whiskey-gargled gravel of Laceys’ vocals, and the predatory jaws of what is a monstrously brazen strut of a riff. Well worth a cheeky download.

To download:
