Liverpool Sound City 2018: The Night Cafe

Posted on 10 May 2018
By Natalie Barlow
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Camp and Furnace was a very intriguing venue for such a band, with a statue of a Bear stood with pride outside and fluffy clouds hanging from the ceiling amidst the darkness of the large room. As Sound City goers cramped together ready to see Liverpool’s fresh talent, The Night Café, the centre of the audience was cleared as a rather eccentric dance took place. Stern faced females, some of which had teacups on their heads, danced fiercely to a repetitive beat which had a mixed response.

Some clapped and danced along, others looked bored as they were desperate to see Carl, Aaron, Josh and Sean perform well known singles, along with their most recent hit ‘Turn’. There was a loud applause when the dancers stomped off to beat and fans bombarded their way to as close as they could to the stage – it was pretty immediate when the lads walked on and the crowd erupted as ‘The Way of Mary’ began to play… there was one thing for sure, however, and it was that this crowd took no prisoners as they enthusiastically created a circle, that the dancers had only seconds before performed on, before jumping into each other violently when the chorus kicked in to the well-loved song. Even when The Night Café announced that ‘they were slowing it down with this next one’ did the crowd still find a way to create a moshpit – one that was probably very dangerous, but admittedly very exciting. It was envious to see the boys on that stage, the local talent had an army of supporters who all seemed very proud of how far the boys had come – from supporting Sundara Karma at The Arts Club in 2016 to being one of the headliners at Sound City 2018, these boys had worked their everything’s off to get to where they are today and it was clear to see their enthusiastic energy as they jumped around the stage, which was lit with pretty green and purple lights, singing and playing with all their might.

The band were stoked to see the audience singing back to their hits and it was apparent that almost every member of that audience knew all the lyrics, it was truly phenomenal how much energy the crowd had as they either jumped around a mosh pit or waved their hands in the air whilst sat on a strangers’ shoulders. The hour long set which ended with ‘You Change with the Seasons’ was bittersweet as the band interacted with the crowd whilst performing with their last bit of passion left and the audience created the biggest moshpit of the night that almost everyone jumped in too, but it was rather deflating when the band said their goodbyes and just like that it was over.

The sweaty audience headed out of the venue, on to see another band, would there be enough energy left in them for more moshpits later on in the evening? Of course there would be, this crowd took no prisoners and that’s what allowed The Night Café to sound and perform so well – the response from their fans.
