LIMF 2017 artist interview: Tea Street Band

Posted on 27 July 2017
By Lois Warrington
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You know you’re in Liverpool when the front man of the band opens his mouth on stage to proclaim “It’s boss.” Tea Street Band orchestrated the itsLiverpool stage with their exhilarating catchy riffs and hip shaking tunes such as “Disco Lights” and “Summer Dreaming.”

The band brought Scousers of all ages together so we could see just why they have been kicking up fuss in Liverpool now for quite some time. It was a shame that they were only on the stage for 30 minutes, they definitely left us wanting to party on!

We had the pleasure to meet Tea Street Band and get to know them a little more.

PR: How do you guys think today has gone?

Nicholas: Absolutely brilliant. The crowd were amazing and they stuck around for the rain as well!

PR: Have you guys played at LIMF before?

Lee: Pretty much every year.

PR: So you’ll definitely be coming back?

Timo: New album then we will be back. It’s taken us a while but we are getting there.

PR: Where did you get the idea for your band name?

Timo: Our old keyboard came up with the idea of tea street and tea street band. I liked it because it reminded me of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band but we are nothing like them. It’s got the three syllables as well which is something that we always say good bands should have three syllables.

PR: Who are your influences?

Timo: Each other. We have been best mates for 15 years if not longer. I would never be in any other band apart from with these lads, they’re my best mates. We influence each other every single day.

PR: So you’re making an album? What is the album like? When will it be out?

Lee: It’s fucking great! Probably will be finished in a couple of months then get that out around March next year then hit the festivals!

PR: Do you have any gigs coming up?

Timo: Chester, Telfords, 12th August.

PR: Well hopefully you guys are here again next year and we can chat to you again!

Timo: Too right!

Big cheers to Tea Street Band for chatting to us!
