Netflix Roulette helps you find hidden gems, saving endless scrolling

Posted on 28 April 2014
By Ashleigh Panther
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New website makes it easier for you to find a new title to watch when you’re stuck for choice.

Netflix has been a friend to film addicts all over the world for a few years, offering a wide range of weird and wonderful titles from both films and TV programmes that you probably wouldn’t have ever heard of otherwise.

But when you’ve been a Netflix user for a while, it starts to get difficult to find a title you like.

When your friends suggestion doesn’t really make the cut or whether you are sick of scrolling through the endless titles on offer to you on Netflix, a new website has been launched in order to help you solve this problem and find just what you’re looking for.

Netflix already sorts it’s films and TV shows by genre, which makes it slightly easier to find something you’ll enjoy, but by clicking to, you can find a title you would have possibly overlooked if you were left to fend for yourself.

Options on the website include picking the genre, limiting the results by choosing to include TV shows or not and there is an advanced search option which allows you to also narrow your choices down based on user ratings.

If, after pressing the spin button, you are STILL not happy with your choice, you can choose to spin again and pick another title.

It’s still going to take time to sit there and press spin until something catches your eye, but at least this time the choice will technically be made for you.

You can either look at it that way, or look at it like an annoying partner sitting next to you repeating, ‘ooh what about that one, that one looks good.’

Either or, it makes trying to find an evening film slightly more interesting.
