Fan anticipation has started to climb for Fear The Walking Dead, the the spin-off TV show from ratings monster The Walking Dead, set to air this Summer.
Set in the same post apocalyptic zombie universe as the walking dead, Fear The Walking Dead takes place in LA as opposed to the Atlanta/Southern States setting for Rick and his group of survivors.
Focusing on a modern family of divorce Madison, played by Kim Dickens (Lost, Gone Girl) her son and daughter from her first marriage Nick and Alicia, her new lover Travis, a teacher in the school Madison is a guidance counsellor at and Travis’s son Chris, who resents his father for divorcing his mum.
Also along for the ride is Travis’ ex wife, which sounds rife for melodrama and conflict without the brain eaters and apocalyptic mayhem.
This show starts as the zombie virus outbreak first happens and this could be an interesting choice.
Although this is well covered ground in the zombie genre, with the like of Dawn of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead and World War Z all charting the beginnings of the outbreak and it’s aftermath, this will be the first time we will have seen walking dead creator Robert Kirkman’s vision of the early days of a zombie infection.
This is because both the comic and TV show show us events from Rick’s POV, which started when he was in a coma and strapped to a hospital bed for the initial few months of the fall of civilisation.
So what will Kirkman’s vision of this be? And will we gain hints and answers to what caused the virus (and potential to cure it) in these early days that some fans of The Walking Dead have been clamouring for?
This is also Kirkman’s chance to really make the show his own. The original Walking Dead, despite being a ratings juggernaut has had quite a troubled behind the scenes past with original show runner Frank Darabont leaving after season 2 and Glen Mazzara after season 3 with Scott M Gimple taking over and Kirkman being given more creative control.
Now as an exec producer from the outset, and a concept created specifically for TV, Kirkman is in control from the start and is also not beholden to any prior material. hopefully this means he can really let loose and push his ideas as far as he can.
Aubrey is part of our Heroes For Sale comics team, so stay tuned to Purple Revolver for more comics news and our Heroes For Sale YouTube channel ( where you will find lots more in depth comics news and reviews