The Blues Brothers heading for the small screen

Posted on 31 August 2011
By Matt Barden
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The cult 1980’s film, made famous by the late, great John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd, looks set to be re-imagined for prime time TV.

Following the trend of 80s cult classics making a comeback (Teen Wolf, The A Team, Karate Kid), Aykroyd and Belushi’s widow Judy are steaming ahead with plans to bring The Blues Brothers to a new generation.

The fedora wearing rhythm and blues duo originally sprung to life on TV. The comedians first introduced the world to their creations on a 1978 episode of Saturday Night Live.

The series will centre around the search for Elwood’s biological father and as yet no one has been attached to the project.

Belushi will now shop the pilot (co-writtten with SNL’s Anne Beatts) to potential networks.

Beatts gave a clue as to the vibe of the show;

“We’re not trying to replicate Dan and John but Jake and Elwood,[The show] would be Route 66 meets Glee and it all goes to hell in a handbasket.”

Networks have had recent success with revival TV shows, mainly due to already having a firm fanbase of nostalgic fans.

But is it worth risking the legacy of cult classics for a prime time slot and is it just another hint that television execs are getting lazy in their programming choices?

Let us know what you think about seeing The Blues Brothers back on screen in the comment box below.
