RZA to star in Quentin Tarantino’s movie Django Unchained

Posted on 3 November 2011
By Jo Ching
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RZA is one of the few people who has successfully transferred from the rap game to the movie industry.

The Wu-Tang Clan leader has had solid supporting roles in Funny People, Due Date, The Next Three Days and American Gangster (he even shows up in A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas, which is due out this Friday).

The Wu-Tang mastermind even wrote and directed his own film The Man with the Iron Fists with Eli Roth which is due out next year.

According to Hollywood sources, Tarantino has called upon RZA for a role in his upcoming film Django Unchained.

This won’t be the first time that the two have worked together, as the rapper worked on the music for both Kill Bill movies (he wrote the song “Ode To Oren Ishii” on the OST).

The report says that RZA will play Thaddeus, “a violent slave working on a Mississippi plantation,” though it doesn’t specify if he works for the main villain, Calvin Candie, who is played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

In further casting news for the movie, Misty Upham, best known for her role as Lila Littlewolf in Frozen River, has also been added to the movie as a a trading post owner named Minnie.

The story, also written by Tarantino, centers on an escaped slave named Django (Jamie Foxx) who teams up with a German bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz) to take down his former owner (DiCaprio) and rescue his wife (Kerry Washington).

Also set to star in the film are Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Tom Savini, Don Johnson, MC. Gainey, Gerald McRaney, Dennis Christopher and Laura Cayouette.

Production is scheduled to start later this year and the movie will be released on December 25, 2012.
