Man of Steel trailer released

Posted on 24 July 2012
By Camilla McNatty
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The release of ‘Man of Steel’ the newest movie based upon the character of Superman, proves that the interpretation of DC comic heroes is maintaining momentum.

Following the origins of Clark Kent and the growth of his extraordinary powers, the 2013 film looks set to live up to the precedent recently set by the Batman trilogy.

Directed by Zack Snyder, brains behind Watchmen and 300, and produced by infamous Christopher Nolan, the teaser trailer sets the movie up to be the blockbuster of the year.

Henry Cavill will head up the cast along with Russell Crowe and Amy Adams, who will play reporter Lois Lane.

Set for release on June 14, 2013, the jury will be out whether the film will be a rehash of 2006’s Superman Returns, or whether Nolan will cause the same stir for another caped superhero.
