Will Ferrell has spoken out about the will-they, won’t-they sequel to the cult comedy, Anchorman.
Speaking to Cinema Blend, the Old School man said, ‘Anchorman 2, you’d have to really assert some kind of email hate campaign to Paramount Pictures because they’ve told us, quote unquote, ‘We’ve run the numbers and it’s not a good fit.’
“Everyone we tell the idea [to] loves it, except for the studio that owns the rights, Ball’s in their courts, but they’re being idiots.”
Despite the success of the original, which took over $90 million at the box-office, Paramount seem reluctant to sign up Ferrell, Carell, Rudd and co for any more newsroom mayhem.
So with it looking very unlikely that the whiskey-swilling, moustache loving Ron Burgandy will be returning to the silver screen, we at Purple Revolver want to know, what’s your favourite Anchorman quote?
Because, you know, we’re kind of a big deal.