For us here at Purple Revolver, Christmas is all about that festive song, that festive film, and that special festive family gathering, not to mention the party season that ends a little too quickly.
Let’s kick start with the festive films to watch during the holidays with your loved ones, or all alone under your fluffy blankets on the couch whilst the wind howls and the rain comes down like there’s no tomorrow.
These are the top ten Christmas films everyone needs to see during the run up to the big day when the fat man in the red suit bounds down your chimney.
Or, you know, whenever you feel like it – even on a hot August day.
No 10.
To kick off the countdown, we’ve gone for modern creation Arthur Christmas.
It is absolutely fantastic. We see Father Christmas in a way we’ve never seen him before.
However, Arthur is our saviour and turns this film into a wonderfully heartfelt and really quite funny future classic!
No. 9.
Sitting quite close to the bottom of the pile (but still 100% worth a watch!) is Bill Murray’s Scrooged.
If it was up to other people, this might be right near the top – but for us, despite its creativity and
priceless comic value, Scrooged just doesn’t give the warm and fuzzy feeling the next 8 definitely give you.
No. 8.
Well well well. We couldn’t have a top 10 Christmas films list and not include The Polar Express.
The only reason it’s not any closer to the number 1 spot is because – well the truth is, there are bigger and better films to come.
Don’t miss seeing Tom Hanks in animated form this Christmas. It’s so pleasant and lovely.
No. 7.
If what you’re looking for in the world of film this Christmas is a barrel of laughs and never-ending disaster, then National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation might just be the film for you.
Arguably the best to come from the adventures of the Griswold family, nothing can go quite right for Clark and his family Christmas; but gosh do we have some laughs at their expense!
No. 6.
Another classic comedy for this time of year has got to be Elf.
Will Farrell excels in this light-hearted and hilarious tale about a man (elf) searching for himself, his father, and eventually the girl of his dreams.
It used to be the Channel 4 special every year. Last year – and (sob) again this year – they decided to get rid of it for some unknown and quite frankly outrageous reason. Let’s start a petition!
No. 5.
If you fancy a musical adaptation of the classic Christmas Carol story, then watch Albert Finney’s A Christmas Carol.
It’s one of our absolute favourites for this time of year, and we all love the Dickens tale, even more-so with a bit of singing and dancing.
No. 4.
Ahhh… Home Alone.
We feel like this is an acceptable film to watch all year round (but that might just be us).
Macauley Culkin is wonderful and cute and cheeky and genius.
Home Alone reminds us that no matter how annoying a person may seem all year round, we need them around us at Christmas – because we love them really.
Not to mention it’s completely hilarious.
No. 3.
Love Actually. A controversial choice maybe for number three, but deep down we all know it’s true.
Now, this is definitely an ‘all year round’ sort of film. Don’t even try to disguise the fact that you’ve watched it in the middle of summer.
It’s absolutely wonderful, don’t you think?
Funny and heart-warming and heart breaking, it’s one of those films that everybody loves and no-one (that we know of) gets bored of.
No. 2.
The Grinch deserves a place at number two.
Jim Carrey is amazing anyway, but as the Grinch he is just perfect.
It’s such a funny film that it’s hard not to hold your sides in fits of giggles.
It’s that typical film where we absolutely adore the ‘baddy’ and don’t mind so much that he steals all the presents. In fact, we want him to!
A Dr. Seuss spectacular and a must see for everybody this Christmas. If you don’t already have a copy (erm – why not?), go and out and purchase one. Trust us you won’t regret it.
No. 1.
We think we can speak for everyone when we say It’s A Wonderful Life is arguably one of the best films ever made, not just for Christmas, but for every part of the year!
As a kid you might remember thinking this was one of the longest and dullest films in existence.
Now you should completely understand why your parents made you watch it every Christmas Eve.
We dare you to not cry with overwhelming happiness at the end. Thank you, James Stewart.
So there you have it. The best of the Christmas films to watch this year, next year, and all the years after that.