Warner Bros announce Justice League film with Zack Snyder as director

Posted on 29 April 2014
By Craig Kell
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Warner Bros are going to bring DC’s Justice League to our movie screens with the exciting news that they have signed up Zack Snyder to direct.

The multi-superhero epic, which features the likes of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, is set to be DC Comics’ answer to Marvel’s monster success The Avengers.

Director Zack Snyder will helm Justice League, once he finishes work on the the Man of Steel sequel Superman vs Batman.

Warner Bros president of worldwide production Greg Silverman announced the news: “It will be a further expansion of this universe. Superman vs Batman will lead into Justice League.”

Henry Cavill is set to reprise his role as Clark Kent/Superman and is likely to be joined by new co-stars Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

Aquaman, The Green Lantern, Flash and Cyborg are the other four major characters from the Justice League though only one of them has had a standalone film in recent years.

The script is currently being written with a 2017 release date being targeted.
