Renowned director and writer Quentin Tarantino is set to take over his New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles.
The Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained filmmaker says he plans to use the cinema to expand his creativity when it comes to making 35mm films.
He is prepared to tackle the Programming role and will replace Michael Torgan, the founder’s son, whose continuous role at the cinema is still to be determined.
The maverick director is also seeking to use the ‘movie-theater’ to screen his own personal collection of films which include the three Sergio Leone Westerns, all of which star Clint Eastwood.
The complex will also get some upgrades which revolve around a six-track stereo sound and a 16mm projector, according to LA Weekly.
Tarantino has promised that the revival and second-run cinema won’t be wasted and that he intends to carry on the cinema’s themed double feature format for various types of film.
Loyal fans can check out his work in the 35mm format at screenings that will take place every Friday at midnight.
The Oscar winner is also set to return to filmmaking duties within the next few months when he helms upcoming western, The Hateful Eight.