Marvel sends out congratulatory tweet to Chris Pratt & the Jurassic World crew on a record breaking opening weekend

Posted on 24 June 2015
By Khyle Deen
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Jurassic World, the heavily anticipated new movie in the Jurassic Park series, starring man of the moment Chris Pratt broke US box office records and had the biggest movie opening of all time.

The last movie that did this was Marvel’s smash hit The Avengers back in 2012, that racked up $207.4 million.

Jurassic World has wrackked up $208.8 million, and counting.

No hard feelings from Marvel though, they’re quite impressed with these numbers, they’ve praised their star Chris Pratt (who starred in their hit Guardians Of the Galaxy last summer, he’ll also be in the sequel) in a very cool way on Twitter.

Marvel chief Kevin Feige sent out a tweet congratulating Jurassic World, director Colin Trevorrow, poducers Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall, along with Universal and Legendary Pictures and of course Chris Pratt, who is seen riding a Mjolnir-wielding T-rex.

@KevFeige: Congrats Mr. Spielberg @UniversalPics @Legendary @LeDoctor @colintrevorrow and especially @prattprattpratt

Feige credits Marvel Studios’ concept artist Andy Park with the artwork seen in the Twitter post.(seen here)

Jurassic World has now been out for 2 weeks and had already accrued $549.7 million in it’s first week. These numbers put it in contention for the biggest movie of 2015 along with Avengers: Age of Ultron ($1.35 billion) and Fast & Furious 7 ($1.5 billion).

Jurassic World is the 4th movie in the Jurassic Park franchise, it also stars Bryce Dallas Howard and Judy Greer, along with cameos from singer Jimmy Buffett and talk show host Jimmy Fallon.

Jurassic World is in cinemas now.

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