Blues Brother icon Dan Ackroyd found himself in deep water with the law when a murder investigation
was launched after footage of him with a dead body was discovered on a dump.
An over-zealous landfill worker found the film, showing him standing over a bloody body and thinking he had stumbled across evidence of a crime, handed it over to cops.
The man didn’t recognise the Ghostbusters star from the footage discarded on a Calgary dump, but once detectives cleaned up the negatives they realised it was a movie clip.
But the mystery continued – as the confused cops were determined to discover which one of the comedy legend’s many movies the scene was from.
They contacted Dan’s agents, who revealed the scene was from a 1990 turkey, called Loose Cannons, which co-starred The French Connection actor Gene Hackman.
Dan said: “The movie should have been left in the landfill where it belongs.”