Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon sequel to be boycotted by cinemas

Posted on 1 October 2014
By Mark Langshaw
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Four leading US cinema chains are planning to boycott Netflix’s upcoming Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon sequel.

AMC, Cinemark, Carmike and Regal have expressed opposition to the company’s plans to release the film in theatres and on its subscription platform simultaneously, according to Variety.

“We are committed to an exclusive theatrical release for the enjoyment of our valued guests. We are therefore opposed to showing day and date releases at our entertainment complexes,” said Carmike spokesman Robert Rinderman.

The martial arts sequel was announced for release on Netflix and select IMAX cinemas in August next year, but the theatre chains’ reservations could force the firm to rethink its plans.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Green Legend will see Michelle Yeoh reprise her role as Yu Shu-Lien, with Yuen Wo-Ping inheriting the director’s chair from Ang Lee.

It is expected to be one of many Neflix original film commissions.
