Crispin Glover to perform at Liverpool’s Picturehouse

Posted on 1 May 2014
By Steven Carson
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Crispin Hellion Glover will be performing at Picturehouse at FACT in Liverpool.

Crispin is known for creating many memorable and quirky characters onscreen and he does not disappoint fans of his offbeat sensibilities and eccentric taste as a director & filmmaker.

He has appeared in over 30 films, including River’s Edge, Charlie’s Angels, The Doors, Willard, Dead Man, Back to the Future, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, Wild at Heart, The People vs. Larry Flynt, Beowulf & Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.

Mr Glover’s Big Slide Show, parts 1 & 2, are one-hour dramatic narrations of his books that are profusely illustrated and then projected behind him.

Part 2 will be performed before a screening of “It is fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE”, after the film follows a Q&A and a book signing.

“Wildly impassioned and macabrely fascinating.” Laura Kern, New York Times

Ben Kenigsberg, of Time Out, said: “Four stars! As surprising for its visual boldness as it is for its sincerity.”

John Anderson, of Variety Magazine, said: “Although Paul’s speech is unintelligible to us, each of the women he meets understands exactly what he says; they often find him wildly attractive.

“This is Paul’s fantasy, of course, and what he is saying within it is painful, honest, awful and makes “It Is Fine!” as much a psychological horror film as it is an exercise in midnight movie madness.

“The statement Stewart makes in his script – that handicapped people can not only be as sensitive as everyone else, but just as horrible – is made eloquent, if bizarre, via Glover and Brothers’ otherworldly vision, rendered via elegant cinematography and a pronounced sense of the strange.”

Dennis Dermody, of Paper magazine, said: “Glover’s co-director David Brothers’ art direction create streets and apartment interiors of hallucinatory luridness.

“That, mixed with the thunderous soundtrack of Beethoven, Smetana and Tchaikovsky give the movie a relentless nightmare quality.

“What Diane Arbus was to photography, Crispin Hellion Glover is swiftly achieving as a

“Training his sardonic eyes on the strange and afflicted he achieves a mad
dark poetry on celluloid.”

Chris Gore, of Film Threat, said: “Glover and Brothers force you to see this crippled person as a suave leading man.

“To say the film is weird would be cliché, it’s way beyond that. The film drew laughs and
gasps from the audience. The odd thing about it all – it works.

“It’s actually refreshing to see someone who actually has cerebral palsy in a film rather than some actor playing someone with cerebral palsy.”

V.A. Musetto, of New York Post, said: “Glover’s aim is to show that people with less-than-perfect bodies are as human as anyone else. It’s a worthy and so-far successful crusade.”
