Ricky Tomlinson to judge city’s Scouse Off

Posted on 27 February 2015
By Kate O'Brien
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Liverpudlians pride themselves on it, but this Saturday it’s your chance to show off your meat and two veg!

As part of the celebrations for Global Scouse Day, Liverpool ONE Bridewell are asking home cooks and restaurant chefs to make their scouse ahead of time to present to the Scouse Off judges.

The panel includes the city’s own Ricky Tomlinson, local stand-up comedian Chris Cairns and Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Erica Kemp.

Scouse is a dish close to the hearts of many because everybody has their own memories associated with the dish. Laura Worthington (of Laura’s Little Bakery), chief supporter of Global Scouse Day, said:

“Scouse is one of those dishes that really stirs emotions, it’s very personal to people. Yes, essentially it’s a special home-made stew. But it’s so much more than that. It reminds people of their families, their home and their childhood.”

The person to win will take away the grand prize of “The Scouse Passport”, which includes a whole host of Scouse goodies and activities, from brunch at Lucha Libre and tickets to the Beatles’ Story, a night’s stay at the Malmaison and a £50 bar tab at Liverpool ONE Bridewell.

Me Ma’s Big Scouse Off will be hosted at Liverpool ONE Bridewell on Saturday 28 February, from 12 noon to 5pm.

To register your interest in taking part, email globalscouseday@gmail.com and follow @GlobalScouseDay. Be quick!
