Jonathan Pie tour – Heroes Vs Villains at Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

Posted on 26 January 2024
By George Morris
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With so much polarised opinion and debates taking place at the moment, the world seems full of flip-flopping hypocrites. But have no fear, our hero Jonathan Pie is here to take us on an outrageously funny journey into the dark side of politics.

After honing his outspoken newsman routine for the best part of a decade, and admitting to starting his career working for Vladimir Putin on Russia Today, Jonathan Pie took to the stage, on the opening leg of his tour in Liverpool, playing with the audience delightfully.

At first it was slightly jarring and surreal to watch Jonathan’s TV studio news set up, against the grandeur of the cavernous Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, but it proved the perfect setting.

The show opened with an intriguing video of Pie’s work up to this date, which set the tone. He then entered stage left, dressed smartly in a stark grey suit and dancing to the Strictly Come Dancing theme music, before announcing his ambitions to go on the competition to ‘become even more famous’.

Pie then took his position at the news podium. He was all about business after the burst of energy, and bristled his new sheets ready for the show.

The gathered throng were clearly here to lap up his left leaning insights into the secrets of British politics and Tory bashing agenda. With material ranging from his personal experience living through the Thatcher era at school, to the global financial crash of 2008, he had the audience giggling and rolling with laughter.

Riding high on the audience’s mirth, Pie started to question his own life working in the media. With jokes about sending his child to private school, you could detect a slight shift in the mood as he began to challenge his fans to think he was the biggest hypocrite in the room. Posing a rhetorical question to his tour title… Is he actually a hero or a villain?

Some members of the audience began to drift away with some head shaking happening and people didn’t quite get what was going on – wondering if this was all part of the act.

But Pie knew how to pull them back around by saying “everyone who has paid to see me here is technically a hypocrite…” making the audience chuckle.

The show moved along with a frenetic pace. Pie is gifted with a machine gun style delivery, which leaves you thinking how he breathes, amidst a dazzling array of political puns and mind games.

Before Jonathan Pie we were treated to a great warm up set by comedian JoJo Sutherland. Her jokes about the difficulties of growing older made a great impression on the audience.

Dare to enter the wild world of British politics? You should go and see Jonathan Pie on his remaining tour dates.
