The week in gaming: inc. Unchartered 4, Street Fighter V and more

Posted on 1 November 2015
By James Brookfield
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Here are some of the main talking points from a special Paris Games Week edition of The Week in Gaming.

Monday 26th October

In 2010 Red Fly Studios learnt their production on a Darth Maul Star Wars game was to be halted, after eight months. This week the indie developer has said it will attempt to revive the project via a pitch to EA, publisher of Star Wars Battlefront. The official statement reads, “We are currently working on a full next gen demo of all things Maul to show to the powers that be. It’s been a lot of work on our off time. We need to approach EA with a demo that will impress them. I think we have that or are close to it. Still it is completely not up to us.”

In-game prototype footage appeared online last year and is still available to view.

Tuesday 27th October

Larry Hryb, Microsoft community manager, took to Twitter to announce Xbox One will finally receive its long-awaited backwards compatibility update on 12th November. The update means some, but not all, 360 games will be added to One’s library with users given the option to vote on further games added.

Sony’s Paris Games Week press conference debuted footage of Unchartered 4’s multiplayer. Players will be able to play as well-known characters such as; the Drake Brothers, Sully, Elena, Chloe and more to be announced. Furthermore, NPC allies can be called upon to provide tactical and or medical support.

Also during Sony’s media briefing, Capcom confirmed Dhalism will be a playable fighter in upcoming Street Fighter V, revealing a trailer showcasing his moveset and style.

Hello Games announced No Man’s Sky will launch on PlayStation 4 in June 2016.In order to continue the hype train’s journey toward the post-apocalyptic wasteland, Fallout 4’s full 51 Achievement and Trophy list has been posted by the website Exophase.

Wednesday 28th October

Following Sony’s conference at Paris Games Week Jim Ryan, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s president and CEO, has provided some clear details regarding Gran Turismo Sport. Ryan stated the game is not Gran Turismo 7 meaning the two games are separate entries to the series . Sony are, “not announcing Gran Turismo 7 at this stage,” and maintain Sport will be more significant than previous Prologue games.

Jeremy Dunham, Psyonix marketing boss, revealed Rocket League will receive a new update next month which will include match-modifying mutators. This means players can alter pre-set gameplay settings such as; low gravity, time warping and explosions. Writing in the EU Playstation blog, Dunham both informed players of the new update and paid homage to Unreal Tournament, “Longtime Psyonix fans already know that Rocket League’s origins are firmly rooted in the modes and mods of Unreal Tournament and its beloved sequels, and we’ve never forgotten that.”

Thursday 29th October

Developer LKA has announced The Town of Light will launch via Steam on 26th February 2016. The game, dealing with the psychological impact of early asylums and the effects they had on patients, was originally intended for a release this year.

Red Barrels has confirmed Outlast 2, another game set within an asylum, will launch in Autumn next year. Philippe Morin, the developers co-founder, stated the game will be, “a twisted new journey into the depths of the human mind and its dark secrets […] Outlast 2 will test your faith, pushing players to a place where going mad is the only sane thing to do.”

Some time ago Nintendo announced their move into smartphone gaming and this week the company has unveiled the first game. Called Miitomo the game focuses on the players Mii avatars, which will chat to your friends’ Miis about information you choose to share. Miitomo will be “free-to-start”, suggesting that further content will come at a price.

The game will launch in March 2016 with four more games planned Nintendo for release before the end of March 2017.

Friday 30th October

In keeping with mobile and freenium gaming news Respawn has announced a new Titanfall game for smartphones. Particle City, a studio co-founded by Respawn boss Vince Zampella, are to work alongside Nexon to develop the new game. This new title will be available on Android and iOS devices at some point next year.
