Pixar artist Josh Cooley creates kid-friendly prints from famous R Rated movie scenes

Posted on 22 February 2014
By Ashleigh Panther
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Action films aren’t for all of us, some of us prefer to watch films more suited a younger generation, sticking to our fluffy plot lines and happy characters.

But if you are in this group of people, sometimes you can feel left out when your friends are talking about the latest blockbuster that left them sitting on the edge of their seats, not interested in what you have to say about the musical number in the last movie you seen that brought you to tears. Sound familiar?

Pixar artist Josh Cooley has bridged this gap by creating images of some of the classic R Rated movies in Pixar, child friendly styles.

Some of the films in this gallery include Donnie Darko, No Country for Old Men, Se7en, The Shining, The Godfather, The Graduate and The Terminator.

These prints depict some of the most famous scenes from these movies with a child’s story time-esque caption with the characters looking a little cleaner and not as hard hitting as their original selves.

You could even say that these books, for those to have to endure reading the same story book to their child every night, can make story time a little more interesting for the both of you.

At the risk of having to let your toddler sleep in your bed for the night.

These images are available to buy as prints on the artist’s website and will soon be available as a book entitled “Movies R Fun!”
