Writing the research paper explained: it can be easy and fast

Posted on 28 March 2017
By Carlton Whitfield
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The structure of the research work is standard, and standards can not be abandoned. In the development with which the study begins, two main parts are singled out: methodological and procedural. First, it is necessary to isolate what needs to be studied, we call it a problem.

The problem should be feasible, its solution should bring real benefits to the participants of the study. Then it must be called a topic. The topic should be original, it needs an element of surprise, it should be such that the work can be performed relatively quickly.

It is necessary to decide why this problem should be studied at the moment, this is topical. In research, the goal should be formulated as what result is expected to be obtained, which is seen before it is concluded. Usually, the goal is to study certain phenomena.

You can take a look at the research papers at academicsavers to know how to write a good paper. However, one must remember that someone may want to get acquainted with the primary material of the study.

Define the thesis

It is important to identify the hypothesis and thoughts in the study. The hypothesis is the foresight of events, this is a probable knowledge, not yet proven. Initially, the hypothesis is not true and it doesn’t lie, it is simply not proven.

Protected positions are what the researcher sees and others do not notice. Position in the process of work is either confirmed or rejected. The hypothesis must be justified, that is, reinforced by literary data and logical considerations.

After defining the goal and the hypothesis, the research tasks are formulated. Tasks and goals are not the same. The goal of research work is one, and there are several tasks. Tasks show what you are going to do. The formulation of problems is closely related to the structure of the study. Moreover, individual problems can be posed for the theoretical part and for the experimental.

A literary survey should be present in the work, that is, a brief description of what is known about the phenomenon being investigated, in which the studies of other authors are taking place. In the review, you should show that you are familiar with the field of research on several sources, that you are setting a new task, and do not do what has long been done before you.

A short plan of the paper

Then the technique of research is described. The detailed description should be present in the text of the work. This is a description of what and how the author of the study did to prove the validity of the hypothesis put forward.

Next, the results of the study are presented. Own data obtained as a result of research activities. The obtained data should be compared with the data of scientific sources from the review of the literature on the problem and establish the regularities found during the research.

It is necessary to note the novelty of the results, which is made from the fact that others did not notice what results were obtained for the first time. What weaknesses can be corrected with the help of the results obtained during the study?

It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between the working data and the data presented in the text of the work. In the process of research, a large array of numbers is often obtained, which in the text is not necessary. Therefore, working data is processed and represents only the most necessary. In order not to overload the main part of the work, the primary material can be transferred to the appendix.
