Warner Bros to adapt The Sandman for TV

Posted on 3 September 2010
By Luke McGovern
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Warner Brothers are planning to take acclaimed comic book series The Sandman and adapt it for television following the success of similar projects.

Neil Gaiman’s creation which centers on Morpheus, Lord of the Dreaming, a powerful deity who personifies the dreams humans see when they sleep, has become the latest target for Warner Bros.’ telly arm who has the rights and is now looking for the right person to tackle the job, with Supernatural creator/show-runner Eric Kripke at the head of the wish list.

The news follows similar success from comic book adaptations such as Walking the Dead and Supernatural which have been converted into television series’.

Gaiman’s creation has often been the subject of Hollywood hearsay with many prospecting to translate the epic to screen but failing to deliver mainly because of its multi-layered plots, huge cast of characters and seriously complex themes that touch on the legends and literature of a fair percentage of the world’s cultures.

But that hasn’t stopped people trying for years now, with Warners owning the rights via DC’s Vertigo imprints and developing more than one cinematic take on the books.

Supernatural creator Kripke has yet to actually seal a deal for the new show.
