Top guidelines to enable you to ace any test

Posted on 16 February 2021
By Carlton Whitfield
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We have all felt the unpleasant uneasy feeling before taking a test. But we’re here to assure you that the test does more than informing your educator that you understood the content; tests enable us to learn on a deeper level.

According to MyPaperWriter, students who take tests regularly learn more and retain the information better than students who do not sit tests regularly.

Studies have also shown that frequent testing helps students to lower anxiety, related to exams. If you do not know how to study or read for a test, this article has guidelines that students can follow to earn better grades.

Be informed

Do not enter an examination room unprepared for the test that you intend to face. Before you begin studying for the test, find out:

● The test format
● The chapters and topics that the test will cover

Also, get to know if the test will be short answers, multiple-choice, or you will write an in-class essay. The layout and goals of the exam determine how to handle learning materials.

Think like your teacher

The classwork, daily notes, handouts, quizzes, and homework assignments indicate what our teachers believe is the essential information, which will appear in exams.

Prepare your study aids

For deep learning, studies have shown that practice examinations work better than re-reading or highlighting your notes. Therefore, transform the notes into flashcards or even use a flashcard app to memorizing vocabulary. You can even write your practice exams or request a friend to quiz you.

Practice for the unavoidable

Plan your essays ahead of time. Also, for mathematics examinations, consider doing many practice problems the same as those you know might appear in the examination. Consider making a list of test items that you suspect might be in the test to support your practice and then answer them to satisfaction.

Study daily

If you have scheduled examinations the following week, studying every day will help you identify weak areas or hard concepts in your knowledge ahead of time.

Avoid distractions

Distractions hinder you from focusing on what you are doing, making it difficult to commit concepts to memory. Cut off distractions by turning off notifications from your phone; you can even block your favourite websites temporarily or listen to instrumental music as you study.

Decompose big concepts into smaller details

If you are studying huge topics, then consider breaking the material for the topic into smaller chunks that you can easily understand. Study a section of a chapter at a time, and after that, quiz yourself. If possible, ask yourself questions on what you have read and write down your answers.

Do not overlook “easy” concepts.

For those concepts you have been studying throughout the years and think you have understood, consider reviewing them before the examination day. You mustn’t lose marks for simple errors or forget to remember key formulas.

Do not skip school

Missing classes disadvantages students. A keen student needs to attend all classes, particularly the last classes before doing the examinations.

If there are review classes from your teacher, then ensure that you attend them. In case you missed some important classes, consider asking your teacher to help you catch up with the rest of the class.

Review the examination day

Before writing your exams, review your notes as contained in the flashcards.
