Rumi By Bukhara challenges the North West with hottest curry yet for International Hot & Spicy Food Day

Posted on 15 January 2016
By Khyle Deen
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Rumi by Bukhara is set to challenge the North West to try out its hottest curry yet.

On Saturday, January 16, the Mount Pleasant based eatery will be serving up a limited edition Scotch Bonnet Pepper Curry to commemorate International Hot and Spicy Food Day.

Ideal for heat seekers and daring diners alike, the Caribbean pepper has a scorching heat rating of 100,000–350,000 Scoville units on the Scoville Chile Heat Chart.

Director of Rumi by Bukhara Faisal Patel said: “With International Hot and Spicy Food Day coming up, there’s no better time to try out new flavours and test the limits when it comes to spice. We are challenging diners from across the North West to visit us on the commemorative day and see if they can finish our exclusive offering. Of course, there will be plenty of glasses of milk on hand to help out.

“The key ingredient in our limited edition curry is the elusive Scotch Bonnet Pepper. To put it into perspective, the pepper is around 40 times hotter than a jalapeño and 14 times spicier than Tabasco sauce. It is not a widely available ingredient, so it’s a great chance for heat lovers to try out something different, while also giving amateur spice enthusiasts the chance to experiment. There are meat, fish and vegetarian options available to choose from to make sure that everybody can get a piece of the action.”

The exclusive Scotch Bonnet Pepper Curry combines cumin, coriander seeds and chilli powder and can be served with a choice of lamb, chicken, mince, prawn or vegetables.

Rumi by Bukhara is a traditional Indian restaurant specialising in classic curries including Tikkas, Tandooris and Biryanis and also offers a selection of sixteen flavours of Gelato.

Faisal added: “For those who manage to finish the curry, we have an eclectic selection of indulgent homemade gelato on hand guaranteed to cool down our diners. With unique flavours including Nutella, Oreo and Bubblegum they certainly appeal to those with a sweet tooth.

“We look forward to celebrating International Hot and Spicy Food Day with both new and familiar faces who dare to crank up the heat!”

For more information visit or call 0151 709 2033.
