Liverpool’s first of a kind young female professionals networking group to hold inaugural event

Posted on 12 April 2017
By Khyle Deen
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Liverpool’s first of a kind young female professionals networking group, Future Boss Club, is set to present its inaugural event.

The aptly named ‘How to Network like a Boss’ will take place at Love Thy Neighbour, Bold Street on Thursday, April 27 and will commence the series of innovative, insightful and interactive workshops.

In a bid to inspire and support women from the ages of 18 to 30, the forthcoming event will explore methods to understand the power of a proper introduction, learn how to pitch with confidence and ultimately ‘network without the nerves’.

Event Organiser and Future Boss Club Board Member Abi Inglis said: “We are excited to present the first instalment of our varied collection of events, which certainly break the mould when it comes to delivering something new amongst the young female business community.

“After collating the thoughts and opinions of women from a range of industries, it became apparent that the issues surrounding networking certainly dominated the cause for concerns. The notion of imposter syndrome and lack of confidence when ‘working the room’ seems to be what puts so many people off networking, which is why we want to step in and prove that networking done naturally can be enjoyable and most all effective in more ways than one.”

‘How to Network like a Boss’ will be headed by guest speaker Bernie Cox, who has become renowned across the city for her charismatic training initiatives at The Women’s Organisation. In addition to learning about the fundamentals of effective networking, members and guest visitors will be encouraged to put their newly acquired knowledge into action following the workshop style activities.

Abi added: “Not only will our events help young women grow and develop on a person and professional level, we want provide a strong support network that will tackle the issues and questions that often go unanswered. By sharing our combined knowledge, experience and forward-thinking outlook, we hope to create a unity of fearless leaders of tomorrow.”

‘How to Network like a Boss’ will take place at Love Thy Neighbour, Bold Street on Thursday, April 27 between 6-8:30pm and is priced at £5 for members and £10 for non-members. Drinks and nibbles will be provided. To book a place visit

For more information about Future Boss Club and to become a member visit or email
