Heroes For Sale: Fear The Walking Dead, Secret Wars, Deadpool and more

Posted on 3 September 2015
By Khyle Deen
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For clicking this link, you’ve been rewarded with the latest episode of Heroes For Sale.

In the latest edition of Heroes For Sale, we take you down the haunting path and into the recent Liverpool Horror Fest, which was organised in part by our own Ilan Sheady and featured regular Heroes For Sale panelists Lucy Myatt and Aubrey Reynolds on the horror panel.

A new segment debuts in the latest show called Kids Corner in which young Gabriel discussing the latest comics that he has been reading including Batman vs Superman and Swamp Thing. He breaks down what he likes about the latest comics and what the issues are about, great for new readers!

Finally, in this week’s Between The Panels, we discuss Secret Wars and the surrounding, ever expanding Marvel Universe and also talk about The Walking dead TV show, the comics and the new TV spin-off, Fear The Walking Dead.

You can watch the latest episode of Heroes For Sale in the video box and catch it on Bay TV Liverpool every Thursday at 7:30pm.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more episodes of Heroes For Sale content and much more geeky awesomeness. – http://bit.ly/1L7EwFU
