DeadFest – What’s happening.

Posted on 31 October 2014
By Faye Smith
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Zombies are on the loose!

They have been bitten in a dark corner somewhere between FACT and Igloo, and are currently residing on the first floor of Voodou for women on Bold Street.

If you have purchased your ticket via Skiddle, come see us to collect them. For VIP, your limited edition Amy Winehouse tee will be waiting.

For every single person, there will be a makeup artist ready and waiting to zombify your face.

If you haven’t had chance to buy a ticket to become a private of the Undead Army, don’t fret as you can still purchase your wristbands from Voodou.

The itinerary for sundown is as follows:

6:30pm – Zombie flashmob down Bold Street.

7pm – 9pm – Zombie bar crawl to Heebie Jeebies, Aloha and Salt Dog Slim’s.

9pm onwards – Zombie After Party at East Village Arts Club until they close at 2am.

See you crawling around Liverpool very soon!
