Far too many of us recognise the humdrum of weekday mornings, starting with the ominous beeping of the alarm, before the imminent war of the snooze button. Then there’s the debate between the must-needed-shower or 5 more minutes in bed? And the simple fact is, even with a large skinny cappuccino in hand it will be 10am before you’re fully awake.
Is this sounding familiar? If so the idea of bouncing ecstatically around to music at 6am and ‘raving your way into the day’ (without the influence of drugs or alcohol) is a strange concept. However, in a Liverpool warehouse the pulsating beat, vibrant colours and ecstatic faces begin; but this is no after-party from the previous night. It’s a Wednesday morning and most people here will be donning their work gear and heading to the office in a matter of hours, equipped with healthy endorphins and a positive outlook.
Morning Gloryville, originated in London two years ago and despite the concept being relatively new the movement has already hit 14 cities including the likes of New York, Barcelona and Tokyo. It attracts an array of party go-ers from the morning jogger to the ‘suited and booted’ business type, families with young children and several over 60s.
The colourful mix of ravers filling Constellations, in the city’s Baltic Triangle, to almost capacity only adds to the welcoming atmosphere. For those in need of a rest there’s yoga, massages, raw smoothies and double espressos, for those harder to wake amongst us.
One of those dancing is Ana Illera Lopez, 22, who will go from here to her job in a laboratory. “I have to be in work at 9am, I just hope I can settle into a day of work. When my alarm went off my first thought was why?
“But once you come down and start to dance the time isn’t an issue – you just go along with it. It’s a better way to start your day than heading in on the train with everyone anti-social on their phones.”
The monthly rave which takes place on the first Wednesday of every month has regular themes with this month seeing a festival motif.
So set your alarm, put on your dancing gear and reclaim your mornings!
For more information or to join in this new ‘ravealution’ visit: facebook.com/morninggloryvilleliverpool