Has your 12-year-old child turned around to you lately and confessed to an inner desire to design and build their own Man Cave or even the rising subspecies that is the Geek Cave? This very thing happened to me this weekend.
And although I was riotously amused and may have burst forth with an ominous ‘muhahahahahahahaaa!’ Moments later I was overcome with pride that my pre-teenage son has gotten in touch with his inner interior designer at such a tender age.
Any time he spends off his console and creatively thinking in an other manner is good with me. So I’ve encouraged him to get some design ideas down on paper and plant his geek flag down in the spare box room, which is currently a dumping ground.
So we’ve agreed on four ground rules for creating the delicate decor of a burgeoning adult man cave or geek cave as some will be want to call it. Do you agree? Comment below if you think these tips prove useful for creating a geek space in your home.
Create a clean look
We all know that that rare 1979 tri-logo Boba Fett with unpainted knee is your pride and joy, so you should take the care to display it as if it were in an art gallery.
So please avoid pushing pins into the wall for putting posters on the walls. Source quality frames for your artwork and procure a protective and stylish case for your action figures and collectibles.
Get some plastic sleeves for your first run and number 1 comic books. Treat your gadgets, gizmos and artwork with the respect they deserve. They’ll look better when displayed and as a Brucie bonus, they’ll stay safe.
Don’t be a hoarder
When you’re decorating – less is more. For your artwork and collections, choose a focus piece or feature wall — it’s a more sophisticated approach. You can always rotate out your items on a regular basis. And there’s nothing chic about hoarding.
Less is more. For your artwork and collections, choose a focus piece or feature wall — it’s a more sophisticated approach. You can always rotate out your items on a regular basis.
More often than not – most of us will need to fit somewhere to sleep in to the mix. But geeky duvet covers for boys single beds can really brighten up a room. But that ties us in neatly to our next golden rule…
Integrate some covert geek
In the wider landscape of the geek chic room, there is space and necessity for both overt and covert geek. Let’s consider this example, everyone will notice the coffee table that looks like a Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Tape cassette. So make that one magnificent piece of geekery stand out as a unique design element in the room.
But you can and should also incorporate some covert geek into the room. How about an item from your favourite Cosplay outfit? Be it your Deadpool mask or Batman cowl.
How about hanging that off the bookshelf to add a nice subtle touch. Most of us self confessed geeks will own costume pieces, so sneak them into the room by hanging your cape on a coat rack or placing your Clark Kent goggles on your bookshelf. There are plenty of ways to incorporate signs of chic geekdom into your room — and it will be fun to get creative with these “easter eggs.”
Keep it classy
As a card carrying member of the geek community – you share a duty to combat those decades of negative stereotypes, which have been thrust upon us. This includes the disparaging notion that all geeks are messy by nature.
So, whatever you choose to do with your new geek or man cave, please, please keep it tidy. Dust your artwork every once in a while. Shine up your Cookie Monster jar once a week. Hoover the Chewbacca rug. Clean geeks are chic geeks.