Columbia take long term view with Sleigh Bells

Posted on 16 August 2010
By Martin Higgins
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Sleigh Bells are in it for the long run according to their marketing manager Darina Connolly.

Their Sony label have hopes they can cross over into the mainstream, but all in good time as the band are presently laying long term foundations for success in the industry.

Connolly said, “We’re in the very early stages of the campaign in the UK, but following its US release there was obviously a strong awareness of the band, which we were keen to capitalise on.”

“They’re benefitting from a huge online buzz at the moment and we wanted to make sure there as something available in this market, even though we’re not really getting going on this until next month.”

The UK label Columbia poached the band from the Stateside indie Mom + Pop Records, and they obviously think they have a golden goose on their hands.

“We have a very long term view for this band” says Connolly. “We’re not shooting for an A-list straight away. This year is all about set up.”

The band have been riding high on a wave of critical acclaim and have enjoyed glowing endorsements from the likes of M.I.A. who signed the band before their deal with Mom + Pop Records.

The duo visit the UK this month. The major is rolling out the B-side of Tell ’Em online as an exclusive stream ahead of release, to help grow the UK fan base and keep up online activity.

Check out Sleigh Bells on their Myspace.
