Call of Duty Ghosts review sales figures to retail

Posted on 6 November 2013
By James McAllister
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With the next generation of gaming just over the horizon, the race for top dog of the current generation is drawing to a close.

The undisputed king of games this year has been GTA V, which grossed $1billion in sales on it’s opening weekend. The eagerly anticipated title managed to earn the prestige of most successful entertainment franchise, stealing it away from usual holders Call of Duty.

In a statement last month Activision, the company who produce Call of Duty, released a statement congratulating Rockstar on their achievement, but vowed to claim the title back from them.

But, with initial sales figures in, Activision are being uncharacteristically quiet about Call of Duty sales figures. So far the company has announced they have sold more than $1 billion into retail on launch, but this figure doesn’t actually indicate how many have been sold to customers.

The company have decided not to reveal how much in sales Call of Duty: Ghosts has made – which could say more about sales than they intended.

Reports last month suggested that the Call of Duty preorders were tracking behind expectations, and Ghosts predecessor failed to live up to the sales figures of previous entries.

But, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick assures that, “ Although it is too early to assess sell-through for Call of Duty: Ghosts, it’s launching at a time when the franchise has never been more popular.”

Activision will be hoping for a boost in sales as they release the next-gen version of the title, something Rockstar isn’t offering with GTA V. But, they are still to convince gamers that they reclaim their crown before the end of the current generation.
