Bold Street Coffee barista completes Liverpool to Cardiff charity bike ride

Posted on 1 May 2011
By Rick Shaw
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Bold Street Coffee chief Sam Tawil gave the Royal Wedding mania a wide berth this weekend on a mammoth bike ride from the shop in Liverpool to Cardiff, raising money for Diabetes UK.

The Ride Across Wales saw them depart from the coffee shop on Friday after a bacon butty breakfast and across the Welsh hills before arriving at their destination lunchtime today.

Taking the most difficult route they could find – they cycled 267 miles on the two and a half day trek, climbing more than 14,500 ft.

Sam, who has type 1 diabetes, said: “We rode from the shop in Liverpool to Cardiff and took the most difficult route we could find.

“270 miles, 14,500ft of climbing in two and a half days. All this just to have to avoid watching the Royal Wedding!

“I have Type 1 Diabetes and would like to raise some money for Diabetes UK.

“I find it hard to control at the best of times and especially when doing heavy exercise so I would like to learn how to do this better and help others.”

“I feel exhausted but exhilarated.”

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