Yes, comic book fans, say Avengers one more time… we dare you, no we double dare you! Check out this cool action shot of SHIELD Director Nick Fury taking Spidey to task about his role in the MCU.
It was created by one of the passionate members of A.C.B.A. – a group of fans who use action figures to create amazing images inspired by or parodying scenes from the pages of Marvel and DC.
A.C.B.A. or Articulated Comic Book Art is a visual art form started in 2009. The term ‘Articulated Comic Book Art’ was coined by Kendel Gray aka Boog Nice.
At its most basic level, Articulated Comic Book Art is akin to the miniature dioramas found in many museums, and as the name implies, the subject matter is influenced by comic book/superhero themes that pay homage to the Marvel, DC, and independent Comic Book universes as well as Manga and Anime.
We here at Purple Revolver intend to salute the groups great work by bringing you a highlight image every week.
This particular image was created by ACBA member Virgin Spider and shows a Samuel L Jackson Nick Fury action figure, echoes the classic scene from Pulp Fiction and struck a chord with us.
Discover more about the group here:
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